
A student is focusing on holding a bolt and nut with curiosity to learn how it works.

To keep tuition costs low, it is imperative that each YCP member is involved in the various responsibilities of running the preschool.

Below is a full list of jobs grouped by board positions, classroom positions, and then general positions.

Email to request and be assigned a job.

Board Positions

Board members are required to attend monthly board meetings, but are exempt from school support events.


This person oversees the preschool, its activities, board meetings, general membership meetings. The president makes the preschool calendar, which includes the first and last days of school, holidays, parties, meetings, cleaning bees, preschool events, etc. This person also reserves rooms, handles licensing and other issues that arise.

Vice President

Assists the president in various ways. As well as manages membership, handles communication regarding fulfilling the items outlined in the school participation agreement. Which include but are not limited to; job performance, promptness, tuition and fee payment. Tracks communication with membership regarding infractions, in order to enforce the schools 3 strike policy and, and determine how much of the deposit a member is entitled to at the end of the school year.


This person keeps notes of all parent and board meetings. This person keeps record of parent attendance at meetings, cleaning bees, and keeps classroom mailboxes updated.

Membership Coordinators (2)

These people are responsible for enrolling students, distributing and processing enrollment paperwork, updating immunization information, keeping class lists and parent contact information, receiving phone calls from interested parents, and putting on the Open House.

Treasurer – Depositor

The depositing treasurer tracks and deposits all incoming money for the preschool, including tuition payments, fundraising money, registration fees, etc. This person works with the school accountant to pay all taxes, both quarterly and annually.

Treasurer – Payer

The paying treasurer tracks all monies going into or going out of the preschool. Duties include writing the teacher’s paycheck and reimbursement checks, writing and implementing a yearly budget.

Maintenance/YCS Liaison

They make sure the classroom and its equipment are clean and in good working condition. Duties include organizing the monthly cleaning bees, and other school support events (each member is responsible for completing two school support events per year), monitor the cleaning supplies and request more from the purchaser if necessary, report building problems to YCS (roof, toilets, etc), attend board meetings, lead cleaning bees and instruct parents on cleaning jobs. Maintenance is responsible for sharing information between Ypsilanti Community Schools (YCS) and YCP’s board and staff. They will attend monthly meetings with YCS Facilities Manager and Chapelle Tenants, document concerns from YCP staff and members to bring to these meetings, and work collaboratively with other tenants of the Chapelle Business Center to ensure a safe, functional, and supportive environment.

Fundraising Coordinators (2)

These people facilitate the fundraisers and make sure that each child meets the $250 requirement. They plan and organize the Silent Auction. With Board approval, the coordinators may choose a second fundraiser, gather all information from company or restaurant, give parents information or supplies needed, choose start and end date, keep record of money. Ideas for fundraisers include having a dinner with a 50/50 raffle, selling candy, cookie dough, pizza kits, poinsettias, perennials, coupon books, etc. Families can opt out of the fundraiser by simply paying the preschool the required amount per year.

3’s/4’s Positions

There are two members assigned to each of these positions, one for the 3’s class and one for the 4’s

3′s/4’s Party Parent

This person is responsible for planning the seasonal in-class parties (see calendar for dates in October, November, December, February). Consult with teacher for specifics ahead of time. Notify parents of party date, and what they need to bring, including healthy snacks that are appropriate for the party theme.

3′s/4’s Assist Day Coordinator

This person is responsible for making the schedule for the parent assist days in the classroom. Solicit scheduling preferences from the parents ahead of time. Do your best to meet those preferences, as well as scheduling the parent to assist on (or near) their child’s birthday. Two parents assist every day. One brings a produce snack, enough for the whole class. The other brings a non-produce snack. On the printed schedule, include a reminder of assist parent duties (arrive at 8:40am, bring snack, and stay after to clean up). Include the school’s phone number as well as the names and numbers of the paid assists (parents who have previously agreed to be available to assist on short notice). Distribute the printed schedule to all parents, teacher, bulletin board person, and email to the class.

3′s/4’s Field Trip Coordinator

This person plans a minimum of three field trips for the class, parents, and siblings. This includes coordinating a date with the teacher and the facility, preparing, distributing, and collecting permissions slips and money. The parent(s) of each child meet at the facility, not at the school, at the appointed time on the day of the trip. Ideas for outings include Leslie Science Center, apple orchards, museums, Jump City, etc.

General Positions

These members support the school as whole.

Bulletin Board Person/Manipulative Maker**

This person creates, maintains, and changes the bulletin board display outside the classroom in the hallway. Items to include: preschool calendar of events, assist day schedules, seasonal items, etc. This person also changes out the boarders of the classroom bulletin boards seasonally. This person also makes manipulatives for the classroom as requested by the teacher. Included are play-dough, felt pieces for story-telling, simple game pieces, cutting out shapes, etc. See teacher for recipes for play-dough, if needed.

Social Committee

These people organize the two full school social functions, the fall potluck VIP dinner, and the Ice Cream Social. The VIP Party is a chance for the students to invite a Very Important Person (grandparent, sibling, etc) to a preschool event. Social chairs should post signs explaining the event ahead of time, provide invitations for the students to give to their VIP, coordinate RSVPs, create a sign-up sheet where parents can list what they will be bringing. Plan an activity for the student and the VIP to do together (craft or other activity). The Ice Cream Social (see calendar for exact date, and time. This event is for all current and incoming preschool families, so ask membership people to invite new families. Duties include deciding on location (church or park), making a sign-up for food, ice cream, drinks, paper products, clean-up and set-up. The coordinator should also have some type of mixer to get people to mingle. It’s a good idea to recruit a few parents to help scoop the ice cream. Some sort of free entertainment might also be fun (a local performing group, for example).

Pretend Play Coordinator**

This person is responsible for transforming the classroom’s pretend play area on a monthly basis, or as requested by the teacher. This person may need to collect needed items (can solicit from other parents). This person will set up and maintain the area, so it is organized and able to be used effectively by the children. Themes include grocery store, doctors office, post office, house.


This person updates and maintains the school’s website ( Updates will include school calendar, photos, and other announcements.

Scholastic Book Coordinator

This person facilitates the Scholastic Book orders. This includes putting order forms in parents’ mailboxes monthly (with due date and payment instructions), placing orders, sending money to Scholastic Books, and distributing books to parents when they arrive. (Note: the easiest way to place orders is online and the books must be shipped to the preschool. To have them shipped home, the order must be placed by phone and the delivery address changed every time an order is placed.)


This person buys items that are needed for classroom use (cups, paper towels, plates, cleaning supplies, etc) and is reimbursed by the treasurer (by filling out a reimbursement form and attaching receipts). Every week this person should check the classroom shopping list and cabinets to see what items are needed.


This person takes the preschool’s soiled items (towels, paint smocks, wash clothes, etc) home, washes them, folds them, returns them, and puts them away in the classroom. The cloth curtains (in bathroom and around windows), dress-up clothes, and pillows need to be laundered once a semester (usually around Christmas and end of year in May).

Newsletter Editor

This person solicits submissions from the teacher and parents for the newsletter that comes out monthly. Community events, student birthdays, or other items of interest can be included. The newsletter editor types articles, puts it into newsletter format, then distributes it to parents (hard copy or by email). One copy can also go on the hallway bulletin board.

Social Fundraising

This person facilitates at least two social fundraising events such as dine to donate at restaurants or getting a percentage of sales from a store during a certain time period. This person promotes the Amazon Smile program to our members and does any needed contact for that program.


Get in touch with the Fundraising Chairs, and work with them to promote the silent auction. Consider using flyers, social media, and donated radio announcements. Ask the Membership Chairs for the date and time of the YCP Open House to submit to the non-discrimination advertisement. Let the treasurer (Money Out) how much it will cost and ask for a check to send to the newspaper. Also work with membership chairs to promote the Open House.

Recyling Coordinator**

Once a week, the recycle coordinator will take the classroom’s recycling bin home with you. Put it out with your regular garbage and recycling, then bring back the empty bin on your next class day.

Social Media

The social media coordinator is responsible for maintaining and updating YCP’s online presence through a variety of social media platforms including: Facebook, NextDoor,, Winnie, Yelp and any other social media or online communities where YCP is represented. In addition to ensuring YCP’s profile information is accurate on these sites, the Social Media Coordinator is also responsible for posting social and fundraising events online, through social media outlets.

School Portrait Coordinator

This person organizes and facilitates picture day in the fall for both classes. This person contacts the company and gives parents all necessary information for ordering/purchasing photos. They are present for both picture days to facilitate the process and coordinate with the photographer. YCP has most recently used Happy Owl Photography (local to Ypsi).

Cleaning Bees Coordinator

This person coordinates the monthly cleaning bees (classroom cleaning) with the Maintenance/YCS Liaison. They send reminders to families before their cleaning bee date and attend all cleaning bees to coordinate the cleaning and assist if there are not enough families present.

Sensory Table

This person changes out the sensory table in the classroom. This should be done every 4-6 weeks. They communicate and schedule with the teacher each time the table is updated. Supplies are located at the school and additional or different sensory items can be purchased in coordination with the teacher and board. Examples of sensory items are: sand, rocks, beans, beads.


We love YCP! The cooperative model fosters a sense of community and we enjoyed being a part of the school. Ms. Mieke is warm and caring; she demonstrates great pa2ence and takes the time to know each child individually. Our daughter always looked forward to going to class and her unique needs were consistently met. The Montessori curriculum allows each child to work at their own level and pace. The school atmosphere is bright and cheerful. We recommend YCP to any family looking for a school they can really be involved in!

The Burpee Family

The Montessori format of the class really drew us to the school. It gives kids a chance to be themselves and explore, while introducing them to structure and the classroom environment. The cooperative element was also really important to us. I loved being involved in the classroom, watching them learn, grow and play, seeing them make their first friends. Having the opportunity to take the first few steps of your child’s educational journey with them is a beautiful thing. We have made and are still making many cherished memories at YCP.

Dannielle Murphy